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5 + 12 =

San Lorenzo Monastery

Via dell’Abbazia, 06050 Collazzone (PG)

How to reach us

Traveling from North:
Motorway A1, take the exit Valdichiana-Sinalunga. From here, take the E45 direction Perugia. At Perugia take the direction Terni-Roma and exit at Ripabianca -Collazzone. The Monastery is on the left 6 km after the village of Collepepe.

Traveling from South:
Motorway A1 , take the exit Orte.   After reaching the city of Terni continue towards Perugia on the Highway E45 until the exit Pantalla-Collazzone. Follow the signs for Collazzone. After 6 km you find the village of CollazzoneThe road passes The Monastery is located before the village of Collazzone. 1 km passed Collazzone you find the Monastery on your right hand site.

The Monastery of San Lorenzo is also easily accessible from Rome and Florence by train (get off at the station of Perugia Ponte San Giovanni).


The villa is easily accessible from the main road. A tennis club with 2 tennis courts is within 5 min walkig distance. The village of Collazzone is within 10/15 min walking distance. The village of Collazzone  offers a grocery store for basic food purchase and a coffee shop in the main square (for coffee and ice cream). Il Leone restaurant  offers meals cooked according to the local cooking tradition.

It is ideal place for families with children and exceptionally small and well behaved dogs can be accepted if requested (extra cost 50 euros). The villa is not suitable for people with restricted mobility.

Contact us


Via dell’Abbazia 14, 06050 Collazzone (PG)

Main Airports

  • Perugia San Francesco d’Assisi intl airport | 32 km | 27 min
  • Florence Amerigo Vespucci intl airport | 196 km | 2.10 hrs
  • Roma Leonardo da Vinci intl airport | 195 km | 1.53 hrs
  • Ancona intl airport of Marche | 134 km | 1.31 hrs
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